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3 Steps on how to sell your used forklift online:

1. Select A Dealer Subscription Plan

View Plan Options

2. Upload your forklift information and pictures

Get Started With a Listing

3. Post your forklift to our Catalog/get it sold/etc.

Check Our Listings

Private Dealer can now create a Forklift Trader account and list your forklift publicly on our website. Once you create a new listing, the forklift will appear in our full catalog. Create your profile now and submit your own listings for others to discover.

My Listings Posted...Now What?

Why list with Forklift Trader? Because we're #1 in search results

The #1 rank means we are highly visible on Google and more and more people will visit our site in coming years as the market keeps growing. Your lift has a much better chance of being noticed on our page than anywhere else.

Forklift Trader is the go-to option for buying and selling used forklifts, and it’s easy to see why. We’ve built our website over the last 5 years to be at the top of search results. We handle the largest volume of inquiries, sales and purchases compared to other online retailers. In 2023, over 114,000 people entered our website – and nearly 1,400 people called or submitted a purchase form.

We rank at the top of Google Search for:

High visibility forklift sales forum online High visibility forklift sales forum online High visibility forklift sales forum online

Forklift Trader is the go-to option for buying and selling used forklifts, and it’s easy to see why. We’ve built our website over the last 5 years to be at the top of search. We handle the largest volume of inquiries, sales and purchases compared to other online retailers. In 2022, 108,000 people entered our website – and 1200 people called or submitted a purchase form.

Sell Used Forklifts Online

The online catalog presents a convenient, efficient way to reach a large audience of buyers. Dealers simply list their forklifts for sale and receive inquiries from interested buyers. The sales process is streamlined to reduce the time it takes to buy and sell used forklifts, giving you more freedom to get back to work.

We sell reputable brands, including:
Toyota forklifts for sale online Crown forklifts for sale online Komatsu forklifts available for sale online Cat forklifts and parts for sale online Mitsubishi forklifts available online with shipping Huge selection of forklifts available at forklift trader

Finally Listed? Nice!

Here's a few things to expect as you wait for your buyer:

Communicate with buyers

Once a buyer has reached out, contact them and begin working out the details.

Monitor Inquiries

You'll receive direct communication from interested buyers. It'll be up to you to follow up on the leads.

Finalize the Sale

After terms have been agreed upon, it's time to finalize the sale. Make sure you provide a receipt with the forklift's serial number so the new owner has proof of ownership.

Ship the forklift

All that's left is to get the used forklift on its way. Private Dealers are responsible for shipping & delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I list my forklift for sale on the Forklift Trader website?

To lift your forklift for sale, you’ll need to create a profile on our website. Once you’ve done that, you can submit your listing by filling out a form with details about the forklift.

What types of forklifts can I sell through Forklift Trader?

You can sell any type of used forklift, including LP, electric and gas forklifts of any brand.

Can I control the price of my forklift?

Yes. As the seller, you have complete control over the forklift’s price. We provide you with the platform to reach a large audience of buyers. You set the price.

Will Forklift Trader take care of the shipping?

No. However, we do provide an easy way to contact the buyer so the details can be ironed out.

Is Forklift Trader a secure platform for buying and selling used forklifts?

Security and reliability are our top priorities. Our structure implements measures to ensure transactions are completed in a safe, responsible way. Our team of professionals is also available to answer any questions you have along the way.